Friday, April 25, 2008


Ok, we kinda knew this yesterday but it wasn't certain yet so we didn't share it. In the state of Illinois, there is something called short-term guardianship that allows an adoptive child to be released to her adoptive parents as soon as she is permitted to leave the hospital. Which, in our case, means that IF the birthmom goes into labor and delivers tomorrow, Kiara could be home with us as early as SUNDAY!!! And, the birthmom has agreed to consent to giving us short-term guardianship until her paperwork is signed.

We still need to keep in mind that the birthmom cannot sign paperwork until 72 hours after birth. So, there is still a period of time that she could change her mind. With that said, at this point, we have no reason to believe that she will do so - but things change sometimes. We know God's plan is perfect - there will be no surprises for Him. That's a comforting thought!

Our attorney has asked that no one come to the hospital for the birthmom's and our protection. If everything goes as planned, we're sure we will be seeing many of you over the next few weeks.

So, since we'll be camping out at the hospital for the next couple of days, we probably won't be updating much. Please continue to pray. We love you all!


alli said...

WOW! Sunday??!! Oh my gosh! That is amazing! Please know that we're still praying over here!

Okay, I'll give you grace in not posting for a few days, but I expect pictures of that sweet girl as soon as you can!

we love you sooooo much!!!

Lindsay said...

yay!!! i can't believe you may have your precious little girl home with you on sunday!!! i can't tell you how excited we are for you! wish we could make a trip up there to see her once you get her home and settled, but we'll just have to wait until after our little girl is here too and then they can meet! awww...i can't wait to see pictures. we'll probably hear when she's born through the grapevine. just wanted you to know we love you and will be praying for a safe, healthy delivery and no complications over the 72 hours that follow! and yes, pictures are a MUST as soon as you can! =) we love you both and little Kiara!

-Ward and Lindsay

Griswell said...

Many prayers are coming your way from Alabama for all four of you!!