Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quick Update

We don't have too much of an update. Heather went with her attorney to court this morning to do some complicated legal stuff that we probably couldn't explain if we wanted to! Guess its a good thing we trust our lawyer so much!! :) Heather has been invited by the birthmom to join her for her doctor's appointment on Thursday. The birthmom reallys want to be induced - she will be 38 weeks on Thursday. We're not sure what the doctor will do - guess we'll all just have to wait and see! Anyways, thank you all so much for praying!


steve, kate, annelise and joseph said...

hi guys...we met this past fall at alli's surprise party.
anyway, i just wanted to comment and say how thrilled i am for this new journey for you two. after talking with heather at the party a couple months ago, i began praying that God would move in ya'lls lives and grant you an opportunity to have children. what an amazing reminder of how the Lord truly cares for us all!
i will be praying for you two...that God will shine through you to the birthmom and that the baby will be born both strong and healthy.
~katy h.

alli said...


I love and miss you both so much.

Lindsay said...

We are so excited and hopeful for you. I cannot even imagine the rollercoaster of emotions. we are praying really hard that all will go perfectly, that she will be healthy and that the birthmother will see Christ in you both. we love you sooo much and pray that this will all work out beautifully and we'll have yet ANOTHER perfect little girl to spoil! i'd hug you if i could...until then just know we love you sooo much and will be waiting anxiously for news.

ward and lindsay