Thursday, April 17, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

Heather writes: Ugh, I missed the appointment! Even though I was there early, the doctor must not have had any other patients at the time, because as I was walking in, our birthmom was walking out! Oh well - God knows best!

The baby is still high so the doctor is not going to induce right now. The birthmom has another appointment next Thursday at 10:30 a.m.. Guess who is gonna be there at 10:00??? :)

So we wait...keep praying!

1 comment:

Griswell said...

Its so amazing how God has put you into this woman's life...even if this baby isn't your baby, you are being such a blessing to her right now! God is comforting this woman through the two of you. I am praying for all four of you, and praying that your will and God's will are the same!